


function ClearHtml($content,$allowtags='') { 

//replace MS special characters first 
$search = array('/‘/u', '/’/u', '/“/u', '/”/u', '/—/u'); 
$replace = array('\'', '\'', '"', '"', '-'); 
$content = preg_replace($search, $replace, $content); 
//make sure _all_ html entities are converted to the plain ascii equivalents - it appears 
//in some MS headers, some html entities are encoded and some aren't 
$content = html_entity_decode($content, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); 
//try to strip out any C style comments first, since these, embedded in html comments, seem to 
//prevent strip_tags from removing html comments (MS Word introduced combination) 
if(mb_stripos($content, '/*') !== FALSE){ 
$content = mb_eregi_replace('#/\*.*?\*/#s', '', $content, 'm'); 
//introduce a space into any arithmetic expressions that could be caught by strip_tags so that they won't be 
//'<1' becomes '< 1'(note: somewhat application specific) 
$content = preg_replace(array('/<([0-9]+)/'), array('< $1'), $content); 

$content = strip_tags($content, $allowtags); 
//eliminate extraneous whitespace from start and end of line, or anywhere there are two or more spaces, convert it to one 
$content = preg_replace(array('/^\s\s+/', '/\s\s+$/', '/\s\s+/u'), array('', '', ' '), $content); 
//strip out inline css and simplify style tags 
$search = array('#<(strong|b)[^>]*>(.*?)</(strong|b)>#isu', '#<(em|i)[^>]*>(.*?)</(em|i)>#isu', '#<u[^>]*>(.*?)</u>#isu'); 
$replace = array('<b>$2</b>', '<i>$2</i>', '<u>$1</u>'); 
$content = preg_replace($search, $replace, $content); 

//on some of the ?newer MS Word exports, where you get conditionals of the form 'if gte mso 9', etc., it appears 
//that whatever is in one of the html comments prevents strip_tags from eradicating the html comment that contains 
//some MS Style Definitions - this last bit gets rid of any leftover comments */ 
$num_matches = preg_match_all("/\<!--/u", $content, $matches); 
$content = preg_replace('/\<!--(.)*--\>/isu', '', $content); 
return $content; 

$content = ' <!--[if gte mso 9]><xml><w:WordDocument><w:BrowserLevel>MicrosoftInternetExplorer4</w:BrowserLevel><w:DisplayHorizontalDrawingGridEvery>0</w:DisplayHorizontalDrawingGridEvery><w:DisplayVerticalDrawingGridEvery>2</w:DisplayVerticalDrawingGridEvery><w:DocumentKind>DocumentNotSpecified</w:DocumentKind><w:DrawingGridVerticalSpacing>7.8</w:DrawingGridVerticalSpacing><w:View>Normal</w:View><w:Compatibility></w:Compatibility><w:Zoom>0</w:Zoom></w:WordDocument></xml><![endif]--> 
<p class="p0" style="text-indent: 24.0000pt; margin-bottom: 0pt; margin-top: 0pt;"><span style="mso-spacerun: "yes"; font-size: 12.0000pt; font-family: "宋体";">《优伴户外旅行》――让旅行成为习惯!</span></p>越发忙碌的你,是否想给自己放个假?专注工作的你,是否还记得上一次锻炼是什么时候?优伴户外旅行,给你不一样的旅行体验:给心自由,便处处都是风景!</span></p>'; 
echo ClearHtml($content,'<p>'); 

<p >《优伴户外旅行》--让旅行成为习惯!</p>越发忙碌的你,是否想给自己放个假?专注工作的你,是否还记得上一次锻炼是什么时候?优伴户外旅行,给你不一样的旅行体验:给心自由,便处处都是风景!</p> 