



-- 表的结构 `daxue8_category`  

CREATE TABLE `daxue8_category` (  
  `cid` smallint(6) NOT NULL auto_increment,  
  `pid` smallint(6) NOT NULL default '0',  
  `level` smallint(6) NOT NULL default '0',  
  `cname` char(64) NOT NULL default '',  
  `lft` smallint(6) NOT NULL default '0',  
  `rgt` smallint(6) NOT NULL default '0',  
  `uid` mediumint(8) NOT NULL default '0',  
  `username` char(32) NOT NULL default '',  
  `ctime` int(10) NOT NULL default '0',  
  `cstate` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',  
  `gnum` mediumint(8) NOT NULL default '0',  
  `orderstyle` smallint(3) NOT NULL default '0',  
  PRIMARY KEY  (`cid`)  

-- 导出表中的数据 `daxue8_category`  

INSERT INTO `daxue8_category` VALUES (1, 0, 1, 'root', 1, 2, 0, '管理员', 1163608814, 1, 0, 0);  
class category  
    var $module;  

    var $tbname;  

    function category()  
        $this->module=new module($this->tbname);  

      * 增加子节点  
      * @param array $node 待增加子节点的属性  
      * @param int $pid 父节点的ID  
    function add($node,$pid){  
        if($node_exist=$this->module->detail('where pid='.$pid.' and cname=\''.$node['cname'].'\'')){  
            return $node_exist['cid'];  
        $this->module->query('update `'.$this->tbname.'` set lft=lft+2 where lft>'.$pnode['rgt']);  
        $this->module->query('update `'.$this->tbname.'` set rgt=rgt+2 where rgt>='.$pnode['rgt']);  
        return $this->module->add($node);  

      * 删除节点  
      * @param $cid 待删除的节点的ID  
      * @param $delete_childern 如果该节点存在子节点,是否强制删除。设置未true,则当存在子节点的时候,删除失败,返回false  
    function delete($cid,$delete_childern=false)  
        $this->module->delete('where lft between '.$node['lft'].' and '.$node['rgt']);  
        $this->module->query('update `'.$this->tbname.'` set lft=lft-'.$plus.' where lft>'.$node['rgt']);  
        $this->module->query('update `'.$this->tbname.'` set rgt=rgt-'.$plus.' where rgt>'.$node['rgt']);  
        return true;  

      * 更新一个节点  
      * @param array $set更新集  
      * @param int $cid 更新的节点的主键ID  
    function update($set,$cid){  
        return $this->module->update($set,'where cid='.$cid);  

      * 选取节点及其子节点  
      * @param int $cid节点的主键ID  
      * @param int $deep选取深度  
    function select($cid,$deep=0)  
        $where='where lft between '.$node['lft'].' and '.$node['rgt'];  
        if(!empty($deep))$where.=' and level<'.$node['level']+$deep;  
            $where.=' order by orderstyle desc';  
            $where.=' order by lft asc';              
        return $this->module->select($where);  

      * 获取父节点路径  
      * @param int $cid 节点的ID   
    function get_parent($cid)  
        return $this->module->select('where lft<='.$node['lft'].' and rgt>='.$node['rgt'].' order by lft asc');  
      * 选取子节点  
      * @param int $cid节点的主键ID  
      * @param int $deep选取深度  
    function get_children($pid,$deep=0){  
        $where='where lft>'.$pnode['lft'].' and rgt<'.$pnode['rgt'];  
        if(!empty($deep))$where.=' and level<='.($pnode['level']+$deep);  
            $where.=' order by orderstyle desc';  
            $where.=' order by lft asc';              
        return $this->module->select($where);  

      * 获取第deep层子节点  
      * @param int $cid节点的主键ID  
      * @param int $deep选取深度  
    function get_level_children($pid,$deep){  
        $where='where lft>'.$pnode['lft'].' and rgt<'.$pnode['rgt'];  
        $where.=' and level='.($pnode['level']+$deep);  
        $where.=' order by orderstyle desc';  
        return $this->module->select($where);  

      * 获取节点信息  
      * @param $cid 节点的主键ID  
      * @return array $node  
    function get_by_cid($cid){  
        $node=$this->module->detail('where cid='.$cid);  
        return $node;  
      * 获取子节点的数目  
      * @param array $node 节点信息  
      * @return num  
    function child_num($node){  
        return ($node['rgt']-$node['lft']-1)/2;  
      * 按照层次显示分类  
      * @param int $cid节点的主键ID  
      * @output  
    function display($cid)  
        foreach($nodes as $node){  
            echo str_repeat('   ',$node['level']-1).$node['cname']."\n";  

    function error($msg){  
        die('ERROR : file '.__FILE__.' function '.$msg);  
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