上周,美国总统特朗普和国务卿蓬佩奥接连造谣称,已经“有大量的证据”("enormous evidence")表明新冠病毒来自于武汉的病毒实验室。


    US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said the US does not have certainty about the origin of the coronavirus pandemic, despite claiming over the weekend there was "enormous evidence" the virus originated in a Chinese lab.


    Pompeo also insisted there was no contradiction between his position and comments by other senior US officials who have cast doubt on his theory.


    5月4日,在接受《国际地理》杂志采访时,美国传染病专家安东尼·福奇(Anthony Fauci)称,他很确定病毒的起源,那就是来自于自然。

    Anthony Fauci says the best evidence shows the virus behind the pandemic was not made in a lab in China.




    If you look at the evolution of the virus in bats and what's out there now, [the scientific evidence] is very, very strongly leaning toward this could not have been artificially or deliberately manipulated ... Everything about the stepwise evolution over time strongly indicates that [this virus] evolved in nature and then jumped species.






    Trump clarified thathe meant the virus "got out"of Wuhan, not the labspecifically.



    The USintelligence community said it agreed with the scientific consensus that the virus was not "manmade or genetically modified".



    5月4日,由美国、英国、澳大利亚、加拿大和新西兰的情报机构组成的“五眼联盟”(Five Eyes)的知情官员也说,病毒极大可能是来源于自然界。据CNN报道:

    Intelligence shared among Five Eyes nations indicates it is "highly unlikely" that the coronavirus outbreak was spread as a result of an accident in a laboratory. "It is highly likely it was naturally occurring and that the human infection was from natural human and animal interaction,"a Western diplomatic official with knowledge of the intelligence told CNN Monday.





    The back-and-forth over where the virus originated - and how - is simply the latest example of how Trump seeks to shape reality to fit his predetermined conclusion.


    He needs someone to blame for the virus, and "Mother Nature" isn't cutting it. So he turns to China and decided that they made this in a lab.


    哥伦比亚大学可持续发展中心(the center for sustainable development)的教授兼主任Jeffrey D. Sachs更是发表评论指出,特朗普的指责就是一个弥天大谎,他利用了美国人的自以为是的心理。

    Thebig lieof the Trump administration is that China is the cause of America's problems. The meme has worked for a while, sinceit plays into American smugness that if China is succeeding, they must be cheating.


05-09 11:47