Gazing on the Peak
And what then is Daizong like? — *
over Qi and Lu, green unending.**
Creation compacted spirit splendors here,
Dark and Light, riving dusk and dawn.
Exhilirating the breast, it produces layers of cloud;
splitting eye-pupils, it has homing birds entering.
Someday may I climb up to its highest summit,
with one sweeping view see how small all other mountains are.***
* The Peak in question is Mount Tai, here referred to by it honorific name Daizong.
** The north side of Mount Tai was the ancient state of Qi; its south side was thestate of Lu.
*** Echoing Mencius (VIIA), telling how Confucius, when he climbed Mount Tai,thought all the world small.
Before setting out in earnest to seek advancement, Du Fu traveled in the east of China, travels he wrote about often in his later years. No poems survive from his travels in the lower Yangzi, but a number of pieces remain from his tour of the region centered in modern Shandong. Mount Tai was the “Eastern Marchmount,” one of the five symbolic mountains that definedChinese territory — a Marchmount for each of the four directions and onefor the center.
東郡趨庭日, 南樓縱目初。
浮雲連海岱, 平野入青徐。
孤嶂秦碑在, 荒城魯殿餘。
從來多古意, 臨眺獨躊躇。
Climbing the Wall-Tower at Yanzhou
An eastern province, days of “rushing through the yard,”*
from its south tower I first let my eyes roam free.
Drifting clouds stretch to Mount Tai and the sea,
the level moors go off into Qing and Xu.**
The Qin stele is still there on the lonely cliff,***
an overgrown wall, ruins of the Lu palace.****
Ever many thoughts of ancient times,
looking out, alone, I hesitate uncertain.
*“Rushing through the yard” refers to receiving instruction from one’s father, basedon a passage in the Analects in which Confucius’s son Li was rushing through theyard, and Confucius asked him if he had studied the Poems. Du Fu’s father was anassistant in Yanzhou.
** The two prefectures Qingzhou and Xuzhou.
*** The inscription on Mount Yi by the First Emperor, when he made the tour of hisnewly conquered empire.
**** The famous Lingguang Palace constructed by Prince Gong of Lu in the Han.
Du Fu’s father held a minor position at Yanzhou, and this was his base forDu Fu’s travels in eastern China.
作者:宇文所安 杜甫